
I am going back to the subject of online

The one major thing that needed to be fixed in FIFA 16 was the online play to fifaeasy.com. Well, it is safe to Buy Fifa 16 Coins say that it hasn't been fixed in the slightest. As a matter of fact, it may have actually gotten worse. Good luck playing this game for more than 30 minutes without connectivity issues.

OK, I have seen that goal enough times so can we move on, please! That is exactly what I found myself saying when playing this game because the replay system is broken. I don't mind seeing replays of epic plays, but not for a standard goal.

OK, so this technically is not in the game, but it is worth mentioning. Sports games always seem to be the worst when it comes to the online community, but FIFA 16 takes it to another level. There are so many immature arrogant punks playing this game, and it makes playing this game online unbearable at times.

I am going back to the subject of online gameplay, and some of the jerks who play online with fifa coins. When I say skill spammers, you know the people I am talking about. These are the people who Fifa 16 Coins are doing skills when no one is by them, and it becomes extremely annoying after five seconds. http://www.fifaeasy.com/Fifa-17-Coins/

